Afikim strives to help children succeed beyond the classroom. We provide access to extracurricular activities such as music, sports and art that would otherwise be out of reach for many disadvantaged children.
Extracurricular activities at Afikim enable children to excel beyond academics. Once a week, all children participate in activities including music, drama, sports and martial arts.
While these types of pursuits are easily available for children from more privileged backgrounds, Afikim’s children would have no access to them without this program. Like all facets of Afikim, extracurricular activities help close the achievement gap between disadvantaged children and those from higher socioeconomic backgrounds.
Help Afikim provide needy children in Israel with a well=rounded education that includes extracurricular activities.
Love, joy & happiness – these are the gifts the children receive at the Afikim center. Not to mention – attention, kindness, a comforting atmosphere, academic help and, of course, a warm meal.