We provide the technical and interpersonal skills needed to build a successful career in today’s marketplace.
Based on an initial evaluation of vocational proficiency, Afikim provides training for attractive positions in the local job market. The course emphasizes and instills self-confidence, interviewing skills, knowledge of worker’s rights, and more. Every participant receives basic computer skills and literacy training, as well as additional, specialized training for careers as electricians, dental technicians, electronics technicians, caretakers, or other sought-after positions.
Personalized job placement assistance is a crucial component of this program, and participants are accompanied by our professional job counselors on each step of the journey toward a better job and a brighter future.
Love, joy & happiness – these are the gifts the children receive at the Afikim center. Not to mention – attention, kindness, a comforting atmosphere, academic help and, of course, a warm meal.